Friday, March 20, 2009

Cabin Curtains

Sometime in 2009 I made some curtains for the cabin.  They are the same Sunbrella fabric from the mast cover and mast raising system cover (the "bonnet").  I added some ribbon alone the top, and underneath I used self-sticking velcro to attach the curtain to the frame.  But after a hot summer the velcro started to melt, and after repeatedly re-sticking the velcro, it became apparent that another method was needed.  Bill came to the rescue using snaps to attach the curtain to the frames.

The snap backing screws into the wood.  The part that goes into the curtain fabric is two parts, with a tool to attach it to the fabric.

I sewed hooks and eyes so that I could roll up the curtain and hook it to hold it up when privacy was not an issue.

I also discovered that I could just fold up the fabric over the ribbon top and tuck it in.