Mac Modifications

W O R K   I N   P R O G R E S S

I've spent a fair amount of time going through various and assorted MacGregor forums, blogs and Facebook pages looking for modification ideas.  My focus is STORAGE -- there is never enough storage on a boat, especially a boat with only an 8' beam, no closets and no built-in refrigeration (or AC, etc.).

My husband Bill and I have a good system:  I find modifications and show them to Bill.  We discuss the pros and cons, changes we might want.  Then he disappears into his shoppe for a time and works his magic in making these designs and ideas real, insisting all along that he has no real woodworking skills, but you should see some of the things he's built.  Well, actually, you will see them as you go through the blog and view the modification specifics.  We've done the same thing with our home over the years.  I peruse magazines (and stores) for interior design and styles.  When I have a plan to the point where I can show him and explain my ideas, we discuss, pros and cons, and then he magically builds what I've designed.  Or if there is no building to be done, only shopping (which I excel at), he gives me his favorite Tim the Tool Man quote:  "I have no opinion."

Oh, and he's not the only "builder" of sorts.  I do some sewing and have made the curtains, a cover for the mast-raising system (I call it a bonnet because that's what it looked like when I sewed it), and have a console cover in the works.  Bill has asked for a cover for the anchor, which now sits on the pulpit. I've also made a slightly padded covering that attaches with snaps under the captain's seat.  It's purpose is to help minimize any fumes and noise coming from the motor.  I've used blue sunbrella fabric that matches our canvas sail covers and enclosure.

Here are some of the projects done to date:
Maybe you'll get some ideas for your yacht.

Please feel free to leave comments on anything you read on our BB2 blog.

Fair winds.

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